Social Media Marketing

Elevate your brand with strategic Social Media Marketing. Engage your audience, boost your online presence, and drive results through creative, data-driven campaigns.

Why Use YouTube for Marketing?

Every day, over 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube. Next to FaceBook, YouTube has thewidest reach of any Social Media platform.

Increasingly, YouTube videos regularly appear at the top of Google and Bing results. YouTube is critical for Social Media marketing and SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Traffic from mobile devices has tripled since 2011 when 20% of viewers were on mobile devices. That rate has double every year.

Every business needs to leverage search, social, and mobile to reach its target audience; therefore, YouTube is a critical component in your online marketing plan

YouTube is today the number 2 search engine in the world.

I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about your Social Media Marketing objectives and discuss ways I could contribute significantly to helping you meet those targets.

Social Media & Disabilities

Presented at the United Nations during the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities

(click on the picture below to see the video and read the article)

As an expert on the use of video in Social Media Marketing. I was an invited to speak at the United Nations on September 11th, 2012 to discuss the use of video on Social Media to provoke and inspire social reform.

Two Examples of Solid Content Social
Media Marketing on YouTube

Eye Health Tips: Wearing Sunglasses
to Protect Your Eyes

Eye Health Tips: Eating Leafy Greens
for Good Eye Health